December 2, 2013

The Jungle Report, Ed 2 Dec 2013

Well this week has been a really strange one. We finally got out of the house and were able to get back to work. So the first bit of news, Turkey Day sucks without a turkey or people to celebrate it with or anything. It was really sad and boring actually. Then we just kept working and working and working. but we did get some hot boy pics with a turkey as you all got to see. Well after the most depressing Turkey Day ever we got back to work and now have a full carpeta with gators who are interested in the Gospel.
Let's see not a whole lot happened this week. We did have another baptism and it was pretty good. So this whole time here has been about 60 degrees and everyone is freezing here. It is so funny cause I am loving it. I haven't sweat all week and it is amazing! But there are lots of sick people here because they are not used to this cold. Yeah that I find is sad. Then they call me crazy because I happen to be wearing a short sleeve shirt and am hot still. Well that is catrachos for you. Well there really isn't a whole lot to talk about this week but I will keep you updated on the adventures for sure. Well it's time to go adventure in the jungle of Copan Ruinas. See ya next week,


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