May 18, 2015

The Hammock Report, Ed 18 May 2015

Well as you may have guessed from the name, I did get transferred. I went from the jungles and mountains of Copan to the beach of Puerto Cortes! I have been moved from one side of the mission to the other. Yeah it has been a really big difference. Just look at the pictures and you will be able to see. (The first is Copan and the second, my new area.)

Well it was a big surprise to me when we got word last Monday about the changes that were coming but hey that's the way the cookie crumbles, just got to get a glass of milk and eat it anyway. But "el colmo" as they say here, is that I have been put back on "helping elders ADJUST how they are" duties for my last change. Well might as well go out with boots on right?

Well today was a really good day. So first, for all you history buffs out there, what is old, made of stone, filled with cool cannons and helped a European power dominate an indigenous people? ...That's right! (Dora reference) it's an old Spanish fort. So we went to see Fortaleza San Fernando VI de Omoa this morning. It was built under orders of King Fernando VI of Spain 1759 and was completed later in 1775 and was used to protect the Spanish gold ships harbored in Omoa for English pirates. So we got to go in and look around and realize that the Spanish were very efficient at robbing a whole bunch of Mayan/Aztec/Incan/(insert ancient American culture here) gold and valuables and then when it's all dried up they just take off. The fort is pretty small but built with the same design that was used at Fort McHenry only just a really, REALLY smaller version.

Well in other news I am getting more tan and it will get worse this week with the LOW being only 71 and the highs all week at about 97. Got to love Honduras sun right? Well I love you all and can't wait to hear from you guys,


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