May 11, 2015

The Jungle Report, Ed 11 May 2015

So friends and family and enemies kept close for your unexpected demise,

This week...hmmm where to begin? Well it is hot...again like always. But this week was a little longer than normal. So my companion was sick for most of this week with the locally spreading chiconguña (no idea how to spell it) which is just this really really really stronger version of dengue. So that started on Tuesday night and last until about Saturday. So I was the nurse this week. I was so bored. We were just stuck in the house until he felt good enough to go out again. During my free time I cleaned our house a lot. Which sounds like it takes a lot of time but we only live in a two tiny roomed apartment and so that took about five minutes. Yeah so after cleaning the house about 4000 times and reading the Book of Mormon a whole lot more than usual I had to find other things to do; doodling, trying to cook new things with the stuff we had in the house, carving ducks out of soap, chopping wood for the got real creative. Interpretive dance practice. Using the pila as a cool tub to chill out in for a bit. Can't really explain how much craziness went on but yeah a whole lot. Well then we had Mother's Day which was always a crazy spectacle. So first after trying for like two hours to fix technical issues got to talk to the family and yeah that was all fun and games like always. Shenanigans would be a better word. Yeah that is about all that has happened so far this week. Sorry for the crappy adventure time in this week's report. I will work on making it better for next week's edition. Oh we have changes this Wednesday so I will find out tonight if I am being changed or am getting a new comp. So I will update you all on that one. Well love you all and can't wait to hear from you guys.


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