So this week's adventures are filled with a whole new bucket of adventures. Starting first and foremost with the official indoctrination of the area of Naco as the land of "Nunca Jamas" or Neveraland. And as you can guess it the members of the ward that we are an extension of are now calling me Peter Pan. Long story short it has now stuck as the nickname of where we are. But that isn't the best of this week. So this long week has been horrible due to the amount of crap that I was in charge of. I now know that I will refuse every single calling higher than librarian in the Church cause it just is a giant pain in the butt. So this last week was the Week of the Family and we had activities at the church every single day which means that since I am Peter in charge of the Lost Boys I was running around all week trying to herd cats to go to all the activities and now I am officially tired and need a stiff long drink of root beer.
But enough of the crazy running around that I did this week. The them of this week was Monty Python and the Holy Grail. So on Friday we went and contacted a new family and this is when the nightmare began...RABBITS!!! Yes they have the dreaded rabbit. But this one rabbit isn't a normal he is out for blood. So first thing my companion does is mock the beast and say "Oh how cute!" Well the beast didn't like that as it seems because it attacked him and was biting his shoe. My companion, the dreaded battle hardened warrior that he is, quickly screamed like a little girl and fled for cover behind me. The killer rabbit then turned to do us both in when suddenly the little old lady came out and grabbed it and put it in a cage. But the rabbit was biting and attaching the bars and BENDING THE METAL!!! Yeah that thing really wanted to see us under. But the sad thing is that sometimes I laugh imagining the rabbit killing my small girl-like Colombian. That would seem a fitting death. But then that thought quickly ends and we get back to work.
But in other news the work moves on, slowly but we are still attacking it hard. Though for all of you to know it gets hotter every single day. I sweat so much it is sad. Speaking of which we need to go buy more water for the house. Yeah in a two day period my companion and I ended up drinking more than ten gallons of water so we need to go get more. Which means I will be carrying 9.999989 gallons of water and my comp will be helping with his half and then complain about the weight. Well that is all my adventures for this week. I hope you are all doing alright and staying safe. I am doing my best to do the same. Well I will hear from about six of you next week.
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